Make a Payment (Venmo preferred)
Use this page to make a payment. For Classes, Descriptions, and Pricing, see
Payment can be made via Venmo or PayPal anytime before the day of class. Payments made on the day of class should be made by check or cash. Payments can be made using Venmo (preferred). A Venmo account is required.
How to Sign Up for a Personal Venmo account.
You can also make a payment using PayPal with a debit card, credit card, or a PayPal account anytime before the day of class.
A PayPal account is not required.
If you need to cancel, please call 1-360-856-5631
at least 24 hours in advance to be eligible for a refund.
Use the form below to make a payment by entering the name of the class, workshop, special event, a private lesson or troubleshooting visit.
Enter the total amount less any discountm then select a method of payment. Venmo is preferred..
Reminder: private lessons are $75.00 per session. In-home, local visits may also available for a small additional charge.
Written lesson plans are available for a $25 additional charge.
Venmo is primarily a phone app.
See an example of how to make a Venmo payment from your computer.
1) Enter the name of the class or event.
2) Enter the amount of your payment.
3) Select the Venmo button. The QR code for Sunny Lane Canine Academy is displayed on your screen.

4) Open the Venmo app on your phone.
5) Scan the QR code on the screen.
6) Complete the payment on your phone. On this page, you will see, "Thank you for your payment."